Martha DeRidder
Tulip Bulbs for Cut Flower Production Tulip bulbs can be forced for cut flower production on a scheduled basis, with planting dates beginning early October and generally ending by the first of February, for marketing cut flowers from December to May. We provide two distinctive cut flower programs. The normal program commonly referred to as the 9-Degree Centigrade Method, which involves the grower receiving the bulbs and completing the cooling requirement in a "bulb rooting room". The second program we provide is what is known as the 5-Degree Centigrade Method, which involves all of the cooling being completed by FCG in our Bulb Treatment Facility. Bulbs are shipped ready for immediate planting upon arrival. Please see the following table for a comparison of these two different forcing methods. AVAILABILITY: 9-Degree Centigrade Program: Bulbs are ready for shipping to the grower by the first week of October. SPECIAL NOTE ON THE 9-DEGREE C. PROGRAM: If Growers will provide FCG with their targeted Market Dates we will coordinate the precooling schedule with the grower to allow for some cooling to start in transit if necessary to meet the targeted market dates. 5-Degree Centigrade Program: Bulbs are ready for shipping to the grower completely treated and ready for planting immediately upon arrival by late October. SPECIAL NOTE ON THE 5-DEGREE C. PROGRAM: Due to the exact shipping requirements that must be strictly adhered to there are some limitations to the use of this forcing method SHIPPING: We use all modes of transportation. UPS, FEDERAL EXPRESS, AIRFREIGHT, WILSEY BENNETT TRUCK, M & T TRUCK. Please provide specific shipping instructions. In the absence of instruction we will use our own judgement and ship the best way THE PACK: CASE DIMESIONS: 16" x 9" x 24" APPROXIMATE WEIGHT PER CASE: 50 Pounds
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