Fred C. Gloeckner & Company Inc Bulbs, Seeds, Plannts, Supplies, from World Wide Sources.

Bulb Team

Ron Beck
West Coast Flower Bulb
Marketing/Facilities Manager
12400 SE Hwy 212
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 655-0908
FAX: (503) 655-0979
[email protected]

Martha DeRidder
Flower Bulbs/New York Office
1-800-345-3787, ext. 140
FAX: (914) 698-0848
[email protected]


Tulip as a Cut Flower
Comparison between the 5 Degree C
and 9 Degree C Production Methods

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Growers give all of the bulb cooling at 48 F. Cooling is done in the rooting room, bulbs planted into trays or containers. OR the grower can split the cold treatment and give 1/2 of the cold treatment while the bulbs are in bulk still in the shipping cases (dry cooling). The final cooling time is given after the bulbs are planted into the trays or containers (wet cooling) still giving the total number of weeks of cooling per variety requirement (i.e. 16 weeks total OR 8 weeks of dry cooling + 8 weeks of wet cooling)

All cooling is done while the bulbs are in bulk in the shipping cases. This method requires fewer weeks of cooling, but longer forcing time in the greenhouse. This slower forcing is due to the fact that the rooting takes place in the greenhouse, not in the cooler. This produces better stem quality due to a better root system and slower greenhouse growth.


9 Degrees takes fewer weeks in the greenhouse, about 3 weeks forcing time in the greenhouse depending upon variety and time of the year.

5 Degree takes longer to force in the greenhouse, about 10 to 12 weeks depending upon variety and the time of the year.


9 Degree can't use the French Style varieties, only the Regular varieties will grow best under this forcing method.

5 Degree can take advantage of the French Style varieties which produce heavier stems, and larger flowers. The Regular varieties can also be grown and will be stronger than grown under the 9 degree method.

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